Quad Cities Rush Soccer Club


Positive Test Protocol

Player tests positive

  • Player is not eligible to return to any activity until cleared by a doctor or meets the quarantine requirements and are symptom-free for at least 72 hours.

Coach tests positive

  • Coach is not eligible to return to any activity until cleared by a doctor or meets the quarantine requirements and is symptom-free for at least 72 hours.

Team on which a positive player participated

  • Teams with a player that tested positive must have individuals either
    • quarantine for 14 days post exposure
    • or have a negative test at least 5 days post exposure before they can return to play.
    • While awaiting test results, they should be in quarantine.
  • If any Iowa Soccer League (state, rec or academy) games are on the schedule within the 10-14-day period, efforts must be made to reschedule.

  • If a team is scheduled to compete in a tournament in that 10-14-day period, it must withdraw, thus ending its participation in the event.

  • Coaches should not have to quarantine if they follow the social distancing and mask guidelines.

Online Reporting Form

Iowa Soccer Association Link



With community spread of COVID-19, many people will be near, around or exposed to people who are symptomatic or asymptomatic with the virus.  If a coach becomes aware of someone who thinks they have been exposed the following questions need to be asked.
  1. How did the exposure occur?  (Home, school, friend, inside, outside, etc)
  2. Does the positive patient live or cohabitate with the player?
  3. When did the exposure occur?
  4. How long was the player with the positive patient when the exposure occurred? (Brief <15 mins, Extended, or Long)
  5. Was the exposure inside or outside?
  6. When the player interacted with the positive patient, were both wearing masks?
  7. When the player interacted with the positive patient, were they socially distant?  Meaning greater than 6ft.
  8. When was the player last at team activities such as training or game?
So, as an example report:
Player Sally was exposed to a positive patient at school.  Sally does not live with the positive patient.  They are just classmates at school. Sally was last with the positive patient at school three days ago.  Sally was with the positive patient in a classroom, but they sit greater than 6ft apart and all students wear masks.  Sally was last at training on Monday night. 

This report should be sent to the Director of Coaching. 


If an individual was exposed to someone with a positive case, but has not tested positive, are the other team members considered exposed at that point?

  • They are not considered exposed unless the individual that was exposed develops symptoms or tests positive. We are not requiring action for indirect exposure.

If a child was sent home from school with because of having one or more COIVD-like symptoms how does that impact soccer?

  • Keep in mind the point of the protocols are to mitigate the spread of the virus.  If a child is sick, they could spread COVID or any other cold, flu or other illness to fellow players.  It is best to be safe and stay home.
  • At minimum, student athletes should stay home until they are symptom free of any illness.
  • Student athletes who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms but being diagnosed with a non-COVID illness must be fever-free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved. This should include a negative COVID diagnostic test. 
  • Student athletes who are probable cases of COVID must complete 10 calendar days of isolation from the date of first symptom onset AND be fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications AND symptoms have improved before returning to soccer. 


Quad Cities Rush Soccer Club
P.O. Box 185 
Coal Valley, Illinois 61240


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